
Podcast 1

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Linkin Park - The Hunting Party Review

I remember when I was young the first time I heard Linkin Park. I could not stop listening to one step closer. I would wait up every night until the radio station played that song. I decided to go out and buy a blank tape so I could listen to it whenever I wanted to. As I was in the store I saw their album had already come out. So, I asked my mom for 13 bucks and I got the Linkin Park Cd. I memorized     Each and every song off the "Hybrid Theory" album. After that LP album came out, they released their sophmore CD "Meteora" which was just as great at the last. Then Linkin Park started getting weird on me. A childhood favorite became an odd sounding indie rap band which they seemed to never recover from.

I was extremely (and i use this word loosely)  hesitant to listen to their new album "The Hunting party" but im glad I tried it out. The album seems to be trying its hardest to go back to old linkin Park, but fails to fully grasp that Hybrid Theory or Meteora feel. Thats not necessarily a bad thing though, because this is a well written, good sounding album. Each track is well produced and although the overall sound of the band is not "Hybrid Theory" they still managed to bring out a heavy album. Think of Minutes to Midnight meets Meteroa, the heaviness and the "new" Linkin Park all rolled into one  album. I did enjoy this albumand defiantly   recommend it to any LP fan or any Veteran LP fan who wishes they would just go back to their old sound.
I hope that LP sticks with this sound at least so we can all have a happy medium.

Heaviness: 4/10
Score: 9/10