
Podcast 1

Sunday, September 28, 2014

10 Best Black Metal Bands of All Time (As chosen by a Christian)

Well like the title says, im going to run down the best Black Metal bands. Now, before i start, everyone who reads my blog knows that I am a Christian, and most of these bands are "evil" in a sense and have engaged in activities that are against my beliefs. However, i am solely choosing these top 10 bands for their sound and how well they hold up through time. So, without further ado , here are my top 10 best Black Metal bands of all time. 

10: Carpathian Forest 

Although they use that stupid "Rough cut" sound, I believe these guys have talent and if you can get passed that all to familiar " Recorded with a 10 dollar yape recorder" than you will find a sort of diamond in the rough with these guys.

9: Judas Iscariot

One of the only known American Black metal bands, these guys have some talent that sound like the snowy mountains of Norway

8: 1349

A truly good BM band who has not recieved nearly enough popularity (if you can call it that) as they deserve. 1349 is one of those bands who should be among the top 10 in all BM lists but sadly are looked over. 

7: Antestor 

A Norweigion Christian BM band who is loved by Christians and Satanists alike. They were even produced by Norwegian BM legends Immortal

6: Mayhem

Although I will not hear the end of it for putting these guys so far up on my list, I believe they are not the best. Sure they have been around forever and a day but they are certainly not the best. Although that does not mean these guys do not have talent, I mean what other band do you know puts their Friends Suicide picture as their album cover?

5: Old mans Child

One of the first BM bands who thought, "wow this recording with a childrens winnie the pooh recorder is kind of retarded" these guys released some amazing tracks that definatly stand the trials of time, and is easily one of the best BM bands

4: Emporer

Another band who thought Dollar store recorders to record full 60 minuete albums was stupid. These guys have not released a album for awile, but still have some of the best BM sounds out of the 100,000 BM bands out there. 

3: Watain

Had to put the kings of nasty on here. I mean these guys bury their clothes for years at a time, then wear them in order to smell like the stenches of hell. Aside from their weirdness, they are a really talented BM band

2: Gorgorath 

One of the original Norweigion BM bands, these guys have had an amazing run and their sound is as heavy as the next Band, and can easily be one of the best. 

1: Immortal

Not only my favorite BM band, they are easily the best. They have stayed true to BM genre without straying from the path. The best part about these guys is the fact that they seperated themselves from the Norweigion Church burings and other anti christian acts which still curse many BM bands to this day. They decided to put their minds to the music rather than the look and fads of BM. Hats off to these talented guys 

Well there you have it, the best BM bands of all time. Now I know i didnt include good Ol' Dark Throne, or Burzum, or Bathory or even the Originators Venom, but in all honesty, those bands all changed from BM to another genre. Dark Throne left the BM scene to be a more punk oriented band. Burzum (Varg) became more of electonic ambiant music. Bathory went the Amon Amarth way and went toward melodic viking metal, and Venom went straight to thrash heavy metal. Sure they had a major impact of the genre but they did not stay and eventually said screw it, and left their metal genre behind.