
Podcast 1

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

MTLRadioBlog: episode 1

Welcome to my new Radio Blog. I Guess you can call it a podcast or whatever you wish. This is the first episode so I thought id start out with some good Metalcore bands that i have found around the internet. 

First lets start out with a awesome band I found. I reviewed their album and gave it a REALLY high score. These guys have some serious talent. This is While The Heart Becomes from Mexico


Their stuff is yet to be available to purchase (at the time of this blog) but you can losten to their whole album on Youtube. Hopefully these guys make it because they have a chance to bring Metalcore back to its roots

Next we have a Aussie band. These guys  are amazing. They have yet to make it to the US to do any shows but heres hoping. This is In Hearts Wake and their song "Traveller" 


You can find In Hearts Wake's stuff on iTunes and Amazon

These guys are from good ol' Facedown records. I am thinking of doing a complete show on Facedown's wondeful library of bands. But for now lets check out Altars 


You can purchase Altars new album on iTunes and Amazon  

Alright, now we move to another new Metalcore act, hailing from the UK, this is Heaven Asunder and their song "Sevenate"


Hope your enjoying these awseome songs hand picked by none other than... Well... Me. Next up is a metalcore/Electronic band from Japan. Japanese metalcore is extrmly rare and although there are numerous Japanese metal bands (also known as J-Metal) there is rarely bands who fuse the elemental Hardcore punk into the mix. Here is Crossfaith and their song "Monolith"


Great band. Now you can pick up Crossfaith's three awesome albums on itunes and Amazon as well as Heaven Asunders

 We have another Facedown Records band here. They really do have some great bands, and I think i might do a blog on strictly their record Label, but until then, heres We The Gathered


You can check out Facedown records great lineup on their website at Facedownrecords.com as well as get their awesome sampler with great bands included on it.

Next we have one of my favorite bands in the genre. These guys have some extreme talent, however, have yet to tour the good ol' USA. Here is Confession 


Well we have come to the end of my first radio blog. Hope you enjoyed it. I have one more band to show you and they are a great band at that. Hailing from the Swiss alps (or maybe not the mountain part, but thr city parts) this is Breakdown of Sanity 


Metal Blog Radio station

I will be starting a blog radio station. I believe it will be the first of its kind. Im hoping that it will bring new and upcoming artists to the masses. Twice a week (im going to try) and make a blog with numerous songs and music videos which you can watch and listen to whenever you wish. 

I introduce to you MTLRadioBlog

All blogs do contain copywrited material. I do not profit AT ALL from posting these. I merely deliver good music to people that want to hear and explore. Tracks can be purchased and downloaded Via iTunes, or other sources. Please support the artist and Purchase their material.