
Podcast 1

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Lamb Of God - Strum Und Drang

You One of the greatest Extreme Metal bands, Lamb of God have finally relased their much anticipated VII: Strum Und Drang album. After a long absense and incredible drama after singer Randy Blythes incarceration overseas, Lamb of God have comeback with full force and with one of the best Lamb of God albums.

Featuring guest artists Chino Moreno of Deftones and Greg from Dillinger Escape, this album is by far one of the best releases of 2015, and will be on my top album list at the end of the year. If you are a fan of Lamb of God you will be happy to know that they still keep their signature sound, while delving into more melodic elements. One track in particular has Randy accually singing, and its incredible. Please, if yoir a metal fan, go buy this record NOW

Score: 10/10
Heaviness: 7/10

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Thy Art Is Murder - Holy War Review

I'm Thy Art is Murder or as fans like to call them "Thy Art", is one of those bands quickly grabbing the attention of the metal mainstream. Their new Album "Holy War" is a homage to Black Metal, while keeping their signature style, fully intact. 

The new album features some intense guitar riffs and chorus lines that give the band a more mature and stable sound than their previous albums. Each track gets more and more interesting as the album progresses. Seeing TAIM mature into a great deathcore band has been a truly awesome experiance. I suggest checking out this new record as soon as you can. 

Score: 8/10
Heaviness: 8/10

Friday, June 19, 2015

We Butter The Bread With Butter - Weider Geil! Review

Have you ever had a friend tell you "have you ever heard of this band"? Then they show you the band and it sticks with you for awile. Thats how I felt about We Butter The Bread With Butter. This is a truely unique band from the heart of Germany. They have been around for awile now, but have been trying to gain some momentum in the US, and have been doing a good job so far. Their 4th album, which just came out a couple weeks ago is a must listen.

Their extreme use of electronic music is a welcome additive to a energetic european metal sound. The electronic sound is not like most electronicore bands, WBTBWB acually put time in their use of a DJ and it shows in this release. The album is also incredibly heavy. Although each track is in German, i found myself not caring, and thinking back to listening to Rammstein. Defiantly give this album a check. 

Score: 9/10
Heaviness: 8/10

Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival 2015

With Mayhem Fest only a week away, I decided to do a countdown of the artists playing this festivals, best albums. Mayhem Fest started in 2008 with Slipknot and Disturbed headlining. I have since been to every Mayhem Fest since 2008 (excluding 2009) and am excited to take part in the 2015 festivities. Lets take a look at some of the bands playing, and their best albums.

1) Sworn In - The Death Card
The bands album that catapulted them to major popularity. What can I say, a great release and a well put together album.

2) Feed Her to the Sharks - Fortitude
This might be my favorite album of 2015 as a whole. I cant tell you how amazing this album is as a whole. 

3) Whitechapel - A New Era Of Corruption
With "End of Flesh" one of my favorite Deathcore songs, you cannot go wrong with this solid release. 

4) Jungle Rot - Kill on Command

One of Jungle Rots later albums, but one of their best. The album has a strong Hardcore influence, with intense breakdowns, rarely heard in Death MetaL.

5) Thy Art Is Murder - Hate

One of my favorite bands from down under (besides FHTTS), their most recent release HATE is a great deathcore album which leans more toward a more Death Metal (Cannibal Corpse) sound.

6) Slayer - South Of Heaven

I think a lot of people would agree with me on this choice.

There you have it, some of my favorite albums by bands playing this summer at Mayhem. While this may not be Mayhem's best lineup, you still have some solid bands here that need to be noticed. If you have a few bucks lying around, make sure to check out Mayhem Fest this summer.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Gift Giver - S**tlife: Review

The A new style of metalcore is emerging from the underground and rising to the tops. The genre employs deathcore, hardcore, metalcore, and Post-Hardcore styles. 2 bands have so far made it to "Hot Topic" status. One being the band Sworn In, the other being Gift Giver. 

Gift Giver has not had as mich commerical success as Sworn in but is a great band nonetheless. Their new album entitled Shitlife, is a great album to a new and upcoming style of music. The lyrics (Like Sworn In) have to do with hatred for people and hatred for ones own life. Other than that, the album is straight forward. 

I really enjoyed how unique each song was in this album. While not each song delivers that head banging moment in your head, I still feel that was a solid release for Gift Giver, and with guest appearances by Frankie from Emmure you really cant go wrong.

Score: 8/10
Heaviness: 6/10

The Black Dahlia Murder - Best Albums Countdown

Black Dahlia Murder just announced their new album Abysmal, which drops this fall. I am a huge fan of TBDM, as a matter of fact, they are my favorite metal band of all time. Needless to say, this countdown will be difficult for me. Im going to come to this with a mindset of someone who does not listen to TBDM, and are interested in getting into them. Here are my picks of TBDMs best albums in order from worst (actually really good) to best (actually amazing).

6. Unhollowed

TBDMs first album would have to be their "worst" even though none of their albums are bad. The album has a sound before TBDM found their unique style. 

5: Everblack

The bands most recent album was really good but lacked those catchy songs we all know and love by TBDM

4: Ritual

The album was great in all aspects, but again lacked those catchy memorable tunes. Except Moonlight Equilibrium. A must hear for any metal head.  

3: Miasma

One of TBDMs most heavy albums. This has one of my favorite songs Miasma

2: Nocturnal

Possibly TBDM most famous album, which contains some of thier most popular songs. This album is considered the album that put them on the map.

1: Deflorate

The best TBDM album ever. Each song is memorable, and unique. The band could make a sing a long DVD of this album and I would buy it. 

There you have it. These are my top TBDM albums. Keep in mind, each album is great, and deserves all the attention you give the number one spot. This is by far one of the greatest metal bands of all time. If you have not heard them yet, please do yourself a favor, stop what you are doing, and go listen to this  band. 


Friday, June 5, 2015

The Acacia Strain - Best Albums Countdown

When one thinks about loved and cherished metal bands of the 2000s, you cant help to think of Killswitch Engage, or All that Remains, or As I Lay Dying, but does anyone ever think of The Acacia Strain? 

The band has been around for well over a decade now, and has gained huge cult following. I guess you can consider The Acacia Strain, the Big Labowski of Metal, or the Starship Troopers of metal. The band has had their share of Okay albums, and amazing albums, and Im here to give you my countdown of Acacia Strain's best albums countdown. 

7: Coma Witch (2014) 

AS latest release is by far their worst, however, that does not make the album bad, as a matter of fact its a pretty interesting album. The lyrics are full of deep meanings and the band chose a more mature approach to their musical style, its just not the AS we know and love.

6: Death is Only Mortal

Lets face it, AS second most recent album is a far cry from their good stuff. The sound of the album sounds as though they were trying to find their niche.

5: The Dead Walk

The album that saw AS move from Hardcore, to a more death Metal and metalcore sound. 

4: ...And Life is very Long

One of AS classics and defiantly a must to listen to, however, not their best.

3: Continent

The album that got AS a ton of new fans and is considered a great AS classic, even if it was only released 8 years ago.


2: 3750

The most Hardcore of AS albums and their first unique sound that made me like them in the furst place. A must for any AS fan, or anyone of that matter.

1: Wormwood

My personal Favorite AS album. Each track has a unique sound and a funny track title. This really showcased AS sound. The album is definitely where the band should call home.   

So there you have it, Acacia Strain's best albums from worst to greatest. If you do not know this band yet (you most likely live under a rock) please check them out. If you ever get a chance to see them live, they put on amazing and intense shows.