
Podcast 1

Friday, June 19, 2015

Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival 2015

With Mayhem Fest only a week away, I decided to do a countdown of the artists playing this festivals, best albums. Mayhem Fest started in 2008 with Slipknot and Disturbed headlining. I have since been to every Mayhem Fest since 2008 (excluding 2009) and am excited to take part in the 2015 festivities. Lets take a look at some of the bands playing, and their best albums.

1) Sworn In - The Death Card
The bands album that catapulted them to major popularity. What can I say, a great release and a well put together album.

2) Feed Her to the Sharks - Fortitude
This might be my favorite album of 2015 as a whole. I cant tell you how amazing this album is as a whole. 

3) Whitechapel - A New Era Of Corruption
With "End of Flesh" one of my favorite Deathcore songs, you cannot go wrong with this solid release. 

4) Jungle Rot - Kill on Command

One of Jungle Rots later albums, but one of their best. The album has a strong Hardcore influence, with intense breakdowns, rarely heard in Death MetaL.

5) Thy Art Is Murder - Hate

One of my favorite bands from down under (besides FHTTS), their most recent release HATE is a great deathcore album which leans more toward a more Death Metal (Cannibal Corpse) sound.

6) Slayer - South Of Heaven

I think a lot of people would agree with me on this choice.

There you have it, some of my favorite albums by bands playing this summer at Mayhem. While this may not be Mayhem's best lineup, you still have some solid bands here that need to be noticed. If you have a few bucks lying around, make sure to check out Mayhem Fest this summer.

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