
Podcast 1

Friday, June 19, 2015

We Butter The Bread With Butter - Weider Geil! Review

Have you ever had a friend tell you "have you ever heard of this band"? Then they show you the band and it sticks with you for awile. Thats how I felt about We Butter The Bread With Butter. This is a truely unique band from the heart of Germany. They have been around for awile now, but have been trying to gain some momentum in the US, and have been doing a good job so far. Their 4th album, which just came out a couple weeks ago is a must listen.

Their extreme use of electronic music is a welcome additive to a energetic european metal sound. The electronic sound is not like most electronicore bands, WBTBWB acually put time in their use of a DJ and it shows in this release. The album is also incredibly heavy. Although each track is in German, i found myself not caring, and thinking back to listening to Rammstein. Defiantly give this album a check. 

Score: 9/10
Heaviness: 8/10

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