
Podcast 1

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Dynasty - Beyond Measure Review

Hardcore has been, to me, one of the most intense genres of music. You got its violent roots cemented in Black Flag, and its less violent counterparts, christian hardcore. Being a christian myself, I enjoy seeing my fellow believers express themselves in good music. Facedown records has seen its share of amazing bands that have come and gone but one newer band (formed in 2005) stood out to me. 

Hailing from Los Angeles, Dynasty came up with an amazing EP which took old style hardcore roots and fused them with todays. Listening to thier first album, i was eager to hear more. Their newest album "Beyond Measure" was a great addition to a noteworthy band. If you are into hardcore, or love hardcore but do not like all the new bands, then listen to these guys. In all the tracks you can hear remnants of old school hardcore with a new twist. Although the album may loose its speed on some tracks, this is a all around awesome album.

Score: 8/10
Heaviness: 7/10


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