
Podcast 1

Sunday, February 2, 2014

White Metal Contradiction: Being Christian and Being into Metal

In my previous posts you have seen how metal has been extremly Anti Christian. Metal is a known genre to include satanic and occult imagery. This is how metal has been since the 70s with Black Sabbath, and the occult and Led Zeppelin with Jummy Page delving into the occult. Then came the openly satanic black metal genre. Its safe to say metal has become notorious for being devilish, and rightfully so. 

Some might say if you are a Christian, "why do you listen to devil music?" Or "God does not like you listening to that stuff". Its difficult to juggle enjoying metal, and your beliefs. I am here to explain that you should NEVER compromise your relationship with God for anything. The bible says to Love God with everything you have (Mark 12:30). The verse says it all, never let anything interfere with you and God. 

Now, enjoying metal music can be difficult wit that in mind. The way i see it, if you are a christian and enjoy bands such as Suicide Silence, or Cannibal Corpse, then you should not take in to consideration, ANY of the lyrics and simply enjoy the sound. Most metal heads do not listen to metal for the lyrics so, its easier for them. However, some lyrics can be contradiction to your beliefs such as Suicide Silence song "Unanswered" where the lyrics state "Where is your God" and can be heard pretty clear. To these songs, I would avoid. Its hard to tell metalhead Christian's to pick abd choose songs, but it helps in the long run. I choose to listen to Suicide Silence albums but i never look at the lyrics of most of them, in fear of hearing more disrespect towards God. Thats why i pick and choose songs. If i hear most of the album bashing God, i will not Listen to it. I believe that you CAN be a chistian and enjoy all types of metal, just has respect for God first and foremost and avoid songs (ot bands) who are blatantly against God. 

If you are a Christian and enjoy Black Metal, then it can be twice as difficult. There are many good black metal bands who I will not listen to a lot, due to their God bashing. Bands such as 1349, Dark Funeral, Behemoth, Dimmu Borgir, and Watain, have amazingly good albums but all of these bands are known to be satanic. My favorite Black metal band, and in my opinion, the best is Immortal. Although they are not by any means christian, they tend to stay away from satanic themes in their music. 

Christian alternative... 

Now, if you do not want to delve into any part of the secular metal scene, then there are some AMAZING christian oriented (or christian all together) bands out there. Christian Metal has had a boom in popularity for the past 7 years and is only getting more popular. I would suggest if your a new metal head to listen to chriatian metal or positive metal before you venture into the darkness. Remember to always keep Christ in your heart and any bad influence out. Thats how I can be a Christian and be into metal.

Here are some bands I would stay away from if you are a Christian Metal Head

Dark Funeral
Dimmu Borgir
Vital Remains

As well as the bands with obscene names which i will not discuss.

Remember that God always comes first. Never give up your beliefs for anything and as always HEADBANG 

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