
Podcast 1

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Emmure - Eternal Enemies: Review

I was lucky enough to get my hands on Emmures New Album early... Just kidding, im not that important. However, they streamed the whole album recently and I got to listen to it...

Emmure has been around for a awile now. They were one of the first popular deathcore bands on the scene and are on every tour/festival. Their 6th album "Eternal Enemies" is not their best album to date, but certainly shows how mature Emmure can be. 

Each track offers a healthy dose of deathcore, metalcore, hardcore and rap. Leaving you wanting more from each song. I was thrown off by some of the lyrical content in some of the tracks. Most talk about how much the world sucks (which is cool because it does) and some talk about shooting up schools and hoping eceryone dies. The track "Bring a Gun to School" or as its apparently goinng to be called "Untitled" is a harsh song with brutal lyrics. Now, i don't want to say what i think the lyrics mean, cause all bands have their own way of how lyrics are to be portrayed, ill just leave that up to the listener.

All that being said, Emmures new album is a good addition to a healthy lineup of albums by a band that still stays true to the game.

Score: 7/10
Heaviness: 7-8/10

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