
Podcast 1

Monday, August 4, 2014

Infant Annihilator - The Palpable Leprosy of Pollution Review

Wow, just wow. Now before i begin, everyone who reads my reviews and blogs know that im a Christian. After i was searching around for new music, i came across Infant Annihilator. A two piece band from Europe, who made it in the deathcore genre by online support. The band themselves are funny and raunchy, so needless to say, their first album is exactly like that, raunchy. The song titles are extremly offensive so the band is not for the faint of heart. The album itself is actually not that bad at all, and in my opinion, better than Rings of Saturn ( another technical deathcore band). I was impressed by the heaviness of the album. This is as heavy as it gets folks. The energy is incredible and can be seen through each song. Overall, pretty good album by little punk kids from Europe.

Heaviness: 10/10
Score: 8/10

I refuse to post album cover due to the inverted cross on it. 

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