
Podcast 1

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Retro Review: Thy Art is Murder - Hate

Deathcore bands are up and down for me. Some stay the same and some totally change their style, to a point where you do not even like them anymore. With that being said, there are deathcore bands that bring back that old style from the mid 2000's. Thy Art is Murder or Thy Art as fans call them, are an Australian Deathcore band which sounds exactly like that. They are a amazing band with massive potential, and I Hope that they do not change a thing like most Deathcore bands do. Their second album "Hate" which came out 2 years ago, is a great example of how hardcore punk and Cannibal Corpse style death metal, can live in pure harmony. This album is amazing and a must own for death metal fans. Each track gets more and more intense while keeping the pace and not slowing down for anyone. The lyrics are about one thing, Hate and particularly, hate toward christians, which is bad news for me. Never the less, I still enjoyed this album and I will be listening to it again.

Score: 9/10
Heaviness: 10/10

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