
Podcast 1

Friday, January 17, 2014

How To Get Into Metal Music: Part 3- Beginner's

To start off, do not listen to the heavy heavy genres. Try to avoid these genres to start with: 

Death Metal
Black Metal
And various Groove Metal

When i started, i found it much easier to listen to some Alternative Metal and Grunge music.

These bands i found to be the best to start out with. Now, i know that some of these bands you have already heard and listened to before, but try and listen to full albums to explore the diffrent sounds and styles of the band. After all, metal music is not played on the radio often, and involves many technical sounds which cannot be seen through only one song.

Listen to:
Band: Metallica
Albums: Black Album, Load, Reload
Heaviness: 4/10

Band: Disturbed
Album: Believe, Indestructable 
Heaviness: 5/10

Band: Godsmack
Album: faceless
Heaviness: 4/10

Band: Avenged Sevenfold
Album: Nightmare
Heaviness: 5/10

Try to start listening to some of the albums by grunge acts: Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, Soundgarden and Pearl Jam. 

This will help form the groundation for appriciation of metal music. I did not include old metal acts in here such as Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin due to the fact that im trying to get the reader into the heavy aspect of metal. However, listening to Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin is a good experiance and can be enjoyed by people who have no intrest in getting into metal at all. 

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