
Podcast 1

Saturday, January 25, 2014

How to get into Metal Music: Part 7 - Master Listeners

Well, we have reached my final blog in the "How to get into metal music" series. Before i start with the heaviest of heavy, let me go back and add a band to the Moderate levels. I would also listen to some Bullet for my Valentine. They are a good "gateway" band that I have used to get people into heavy stuff. Go check out their albums when you get a chance.

Next, we will begin with some heavier Death Metal bands known as Goregrind (a combination of gore and grindcore) and Brutal Death Metal as well as grindcore

Band: Aborted
Albums: All of em'
Heaviness: 10/10

Band: Brain Drill
Albums: All of em'
Heaviness: 10/10

Band: Pathology
Albums: All Albums
Heaviness: 10/10

Band: Cattle Decapitation
Albums: All albums
Heaviness: 10/10

Band: Napalm Death
Albums: All Albums
Heaviness: 10/10

And Heres some black metal. I tried to stay away from the Uber satanic bands because I myself, is a christian. Nevertheless, here are some good ones

Band: Immortal
Albums: Any from 2000 and above
Heaviness: 9-10/10

Band: 1349
Albums: Most Albums
Heaviness: 9/10

Band: Watain
Albums: All Albums
Heaviness: 10/10

Now, lets show you some deathcore. We have been putting it off for some time now, and finally its here. Deathcore (or death metal with hardcore and metalcore elements) in my opinion is the heaviest of the heavy. Here are the leaders of the genre as well as some offbeat ones:

Band: Suicide Silence
Albums: Every single one
Heaviness: 10/10

Band: Whitechapel 
Albums: All of Them
Heaviness: 10/10

Band: Chelsea Grin
Albums: All of them (except their self titled due to its slight slowness)
Heaviness: 10/10

Band: Thy Art is Murder
Albums: Theres only 2 
Heaviness: 10/10

Band: Winds of Plague
Albums Decimate the Weak & Resistance
Heaviness: 10/10

And, for the best, and last band on my list and "how to" series. A band that is my personal favorite metal band of all time and of course, i saved the best for last...

Band: The Black Dahlia Murder
Albums: All albums in all their Glory
Heaviness: 10/10

So that is my blog series. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you are starting to see why metal heads love their music. Dont forget, i just mentioned SOME band, metal is all about exploration, so go out there and find some bands that you may like more. Remember those websites i showed you in part 1? From its old fashioned, Rock and Roll beginings to its intense and sometime odd end.  Metal is a great genre that receives  barley any radio play but shows that talent is not always in the spotlight...

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